Multi-Outcome Resolution

A lot of people seem to like systems that allow for partial successes or failures, but I think with a bit of work we can separate the success and the failure entirely, in a way that’s narratively satisfying, and allows for more gameplay.  What follows is a mechanic to support this.


The core of the mechanic is multiple target numbers, for multiple outcomes, all happening on one roll of the dice.  The context of the resolution is a system in which everything: PCs, NPCs, objects, situations, scenes, is described as a collecction of tags: aspects or descriptors; and dice rolls are primarily attempts to either add or remove tags.  That said, the mechanic should be adaptable to other systems fairly easily.

  1. Set the stakes: define what the postivive and negative outcomes are
  2. Set initial target numbers
  3. Apply modifiers
  4. Roll the dice and apply outcomes

Set the stakes

You start by setting the stakes, defining a positive and a negative outcome of the intended action.  It’s important that these are not mutually exclusive outcomes.  For instance, if a player is trying to hack a computer system, the positive outcome might be retrieving the desired files, and the negative outcome might be that ICE is triggered.  If the PCs are trying to escape, the positive outcome might be everyone gets on the boat and it casts off, the negative outcome might be one or more PCs get hit by arrows.  In a simple combat scenario, the obvious outcomes are PC scores a hit on the enemy, enemy scores a hit on the PC, although this is probably too granular.

Set initial target numbers

Next, set the initial target numbers.  The general rule under this mechanic is that high rolls are good for the players, and low rolls bad; and the dice being rolled wil be 2d6.  Positive outcomes will happen on 7 or above (7+), negative outcomes will happen on 6 or below (6-).  These target numbers bias things slightly in favour of the players, in a grimmer, darker game both might start at 7; in a horror game you might even go with 8+ for positive outcomes and 7- for negative outcomes.

This is a good place to introduce a play aid.  Place a counter or pawn for the positive outcome on the left hand column at 7, and another for the negative outcome on the right hand column at 6

Apply Modifiers

Now, modify the target numbers according to the relevant tag.  Any tag that is in the player’s favour will shift the target number for one of the outcomes down by one, any tag that works agaisnt the player will shift the relevant target number up by one.  In most cases, a tag will only apply to one outcome, if it could apply to either then let the owner of the tag (player for PC tags, GM for NPC tags, tag creator otherwise) choose where it will apply.

In the hacking example, tags might be applied as follows:

The target numbers might also be modified by the approach the player takes.  Broadly, the player could choose to be Careful: positive TN +1, negative TN -1; or Reckless: positive TN -1, negative TN +1.  For this example, let’s say the hacker is being Reckless, it fits with their bragging in a dive bar earlier.

Roll the dice

All that remains is to roll the dice and see what happens.  In the Hacking example, a roll of 10 would see the PCs retrieving the files unharmed, while a roll of 4 would see them suffering the effects of ICE to no gain.  The much more likely result of 7 would have both things happen.

Further thoughts

There might be situations where there’s no obvious negative outcome.  In these cases, you might ask why bother to roll at all--if there are no consequences for failure and the PCs can just keep trying until they succeed, why not move straight to success?

The exception to this would be time-limited tasks.  Where failure is its own consequence, say a roll to forage for food in the wilds, just roll the once with only the positive outcome, it either happens or it doesn’t.  Where failure uses up valuable time, say a roll to pick a lock before a guard patrol shows up, then there are two options.  If the patrols are regular, roll once, and then if the PCs do not get through the door they have to deal with the guards.  If patrols are more random--a wandering monster situation--then make someone showing up the negative outcome, and increase the TN with every repeated roll.

There’s also no reason why you have to limit things to only two outcomes.  In the hacking example, there could be an additional negative outcome of Log entries reveal exactly what was taken, that starts at 10-.  Now the player has the option to play the two negative outcomes off against each other--do they want to spend the extra time deleting logs, if it means there’s more of a chance of hitting ICE?